Introducing the ‘Corona Virus Poop Calculator’
Somehow… it still shocks me just how many idiots there are in this world.
There are people who, for whatever reason, feel the need to buy up as much TP as possible… because apparently staying at home means you’re going to shit every 2 minutes. What’s worse is that there are people buying up TP only to re-sell it at an insane price. Well, someone has created a poop calculator that will let you know just how long the rolls of TP you have at home will last you.
This calculator will allow you to have an idea of whether or not you really do need to head out and buy up a bunch of TP. The results of this calculator are based on two things: An average healthy human produces ~400 grams of poop every day. On average, a person uses 1 toilet paper roll for every 12 days.
The calculator is incredibly simple. All you have to do is put in how many rolls of TP you currently have at home, and how many people live in your household.
For example, if your household contains 2 people, and you ONLY have 4 rolls left– you have enough TP for approximately 24 days.
Send this to someone who needs it.
Oh, and you can try the calculator out right HERE!
Manage your toilet paper with the ‘Corona Virus Poop Calculator’
Introducing the ‘Corona Virus Poop Calculator’
Reviewed by Your Destination
March 28, 2020
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