Crew Forced To Abandon Ship After Houthi Missile Attack

 A cargo ship was attacked by Houthi terrorists off the coast of Yemen on Sunday.

British maritime authorities said that the attack happened 35 nautical miles south of Al Mukha, Yemen, in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait connecting the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

An explosion happened in close proximity to the Belize-Flagged Commercial Shipping Vessel, M/V Rubymar, resulting in damage, officials said in their initial report.

Subsequent updates said that the crew was forced to abandon the ship due to damage from a reported fire on board.

Military officials were on site providing assistance.

The private security firm Ambrey told The Associated Press that the ship was “being partially laden with cargo, but it wasn’t immediately clear what it had been carrying.”

The ship also turned off its Automatic Identification System once it entered the region to make it harder for the terrorists and Iran to locate and target the ship.

U.S. Central Command said in a statement that it conducted “five self-defense strikes against three mobile anti-ship cruise missiles, one unmanned underwater vessel (UUV), and one unmanned surface vessel (USV) in Iranian-backed Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.”


“This is the first observed Houthi employment of a UUV since attacks began in Oct. 23,” the statement said. “CENTCOM identified the anti-ship cruise missiles, unmanned underwater vessel, and the unmanned surface vessel in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and determined they presented an imminent threat to U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels in the region.”

The U.S. and U.K. have launched repeated strikes against the Islamic terrorist group to degrade its ability to launch attacks; however, while the strikes may have limited some of the group’s ability, it has not deterred their mission to disrupt global trade moving through the Red Sea as the attacks have now gone of for four months.

Crew Forced To Abandon Ship After Houthi Missile Attack Crew Forced To Abandon Ship After Houthi Missile Attack Reviewed by Your Destination on February 19, 2024 Rating: 5

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