Conservative Journalist Rescues Puppy Left Behind by Illegal Immigrants at the Southern Border


A right-leaning journalist named Julio Rosas is covering the southern border crisis for Townhall. Rosas is doing an excellent job of covering the issue first-hand and in-person, on the scene. If you have watched videos of waves of people crossing the border on Twitter, there’s a decent chance that the video came from Rosas.

He recently filed this report:

Last week, Julio Rosas was covering a site that had been abandoned by a group of illegal immigrants at the border and he discovered that they had left a small puppy behind. He decided to rescue the puppy and take it home with him.


This is a beautiful story for Christmas.

Her name is Bella now and she looks great!

If you have the means to do so, rescuing a dog can enrich your life in ways you couldn’t imagine. Congratulations to Mr. Rosas for taking in this innocent dog and making a new friend for life.

Conservative Journalist Rescues Puppy Left Behind by Illegal Immigrants at the Southern Border Conservative Journalist Rescues Puppy Left Behind by Illegal Immigrants at the Southern Border Reviewed by Your Destination on December 26, 2023 Rating: 5

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