You Can’t Make This Up – CNN’s Jim Acosta Labels Tucker Carlson as “Bull$hit Factory Employee of the Year”


One of the most disgusting media personalities in the nation has taken it upon himself to label FOX News’ Tucker Carlson, who has the biggest cable news show, as full of it.  Jim Acosta is the pot calling the kettle black.

This isn’t the first time Acosta has attacked Tucker Carlson:

But to be real, Acosta has no business calling anyone out for their reporting after the grotesque actions he took against President Trump.  He also hates it when he is called out.

So it’s shocking to see Acosta make fun of Tucker Carlson and label him anything, let alone a BS artist.

You Can’t Make This Up – CNN’s Jim Acosta Labels Tucker Carlson as “Bull$hit Factory Employee of the Year” You Can’t Make This Up – CNN’s Jim Acosta Labels Tucker Carlson as “Bull$hit Factory Employee of the Year” Reviewed by Your Destination on November 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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