Supreme Court Declines to Reinstate Vote of 1 Million Florida Felons

The Supreme Court on Thursday declined to reinstate the vote of nearly one million felons in Florida.
The court declined to revisit a lower court ruling that stops felons with outstanding court-imposed debt from registering to vote.
It’s safe to say Democrats believe the felon vote will help their chances in the Sunshine State.
MSN reported:
MSN reported:
The Supreme Court on Thursday let stand a lower court ruling that could strip voting eligibility from up to 1 million Florida felons who have completed their sentences but have yet to pay outstanding fines, restitution and other fees.In an unsigned opinion, the conservative-majority court declined to revisit a federal appeals court ruling that permits Florida to stop felons with outstanding court-imposed debt from registering to vote as a July 20 primary election registration deadline approaches.Three of the court’s more liberal justices, Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, dissented.“Under this scheme, nearly a million otherwise-eligible citizens cannot vote unless they pay money,” wrote Sotomayor, who called the policy a “voter paywall.”The dispute concerns a 2018 amendment to Florida’s constitution that restored voting rights to those with felony convictions who had completed “all terms” of their sentences.
In April 2019 Jared Kushner announced that more ex-felons registered as Republicans as Democrats in Florida.
Supreme Court Declines to Reinstate Vote of 1 Million Florida Felons
Reviewed by Your Destination
July 18, 2020
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