CNN's Chris Cuomo Diagnosed with Coronavirus - Says He Will Continue Working From Home in His Basement

Chris “Fredo” Cuomo announced Tuesday he tested positive for the Coronavirus.
“I just found out that I am positive for Coronavirus,” the CNN anchor said in a statement. “I have been exposed to people in recent days who have subsequently tested positive and I had fever, chills and shortness of breath.”
Cuomo said he is “quarantined in his basement” so his wife and kids don’t get the virus.
“I will do my shows from here,” he added.
Chris Cuomo and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo are brothers.
New York, where Cuomo resides, is currently the US epicenter for Coronavirus cases and deaths.
As of Tuesday it was reported New York has 67,384 confirmed cases of Coronavirus and 1,342 deaths.
CNN's Chris Cuomo Diagnosed with Coronavirus - Says He Will Continue Working From Home in His Basement
Reviewed by Your Destination
April 01, 2020
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