Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt is SLAMMED for complaining women can't get their hair and nails done during the coronavirus pandemic
Fox News anchor Ainsley Earhardt has sparked outrage for voicing concern over how women are going to get their hair and nails done during the coronavirus pandemic.
The TV host, 43, made the remarks Thursday morning on Fox and Friends - the cable channel's flagship morning show based out of New York City, where more than 200 residents have died due to COVID-19.
'This is not a priority, but women have to get their hair done,' Earhardt told her co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade.
'I saw someone tweet out, "You're gonna see what real color our hair is, because our roots are gonna grow in"', she continued.
'All my friends are saying, you know, this is not a priority -- people are dying and I realize that -- but they can't get their nails done!'
Earhardt's remarks prompted a widespread backlash on Twitter, with users describing her remarks as 'idiotic' and 'insensitive'.
They were made on a day where more 265 Americans died from coronavirus, and a report showed more than 3 million had filed for unemployment.

Fox News anchor Ainsley Earhardt has sparked outrage for voicing concern over how women are going to get their hair and nails done during the coronavirus pandemic
Earhardt is usually based in New York City, but has relocated to her beach house on Long Island for the duration of the pandemic.
In the same segment, she pondered about the bills stacking up back at her Manhattan apartment, before stating: 'If you bought clothing before all this happen, if you want to return it, are stores going to waive that 30 day period where you can get your money back?'
Twitter users reacted with rage, with one stating: 'People need to realize that @ainsleyearhardt has clothes to return and needs to get her nails done. This is so hard for her right now. All of you whiny people out of work or those with dying parents in nursing homes just have no idea how hard things really are for people like her.'
'Tough times out there. Nails chipped, store returns, roots showing,' another user mocked.

Earhardt is usually based in New York City, but has relocated to her beach house on Long Island for the duration of the pandemic. She has not publicly responded to the backlash surrounding her remarks

Earhardt was widely mocked on Twitter for complaints about COVID-19 that appeared to come across as trivial

On Thursday the US surpassed China to become the country with the most confirmed cases of coronavirus in the world
'Think we may discover that the majority of those blondes on Fox are actually brunettes,' wisecracked another.
Meanwhile, one Twitter user revealed their mother had tested positive to COVID-19 offended and was hurt by Earhardt's comments.
However, some came to the defense of the Fox News star, arguing that she was expressing legitimate concerns and suggesting that the criticism was sexist.
Others pointed out that Bernie Sanders's press secretary Briahna Joy Gray had made a similar complaint days earlier -- while also underlining that there were bigger concerns.
On Thursday the US surpassed China to become the country with the most confirmed cases of coronavirus in the world. At last count, there were 86,038 Americans who have tested positive to COVID-19. At least 1,300 have died.
The pandemic has shut down large swaths of the country, pushing the economy into a tailspin.

Earhardt has not responded to the criticism. She is pictured in a recent social media snap with President Trump

Doctors are pictured performing COVID-19 tests in New York earlier this week
Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt is SLAMMED for complaining women can't get their hair and nails done during the coronavirus pandemic
Reviewed by Your Destination
March 27, 2020
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