Everyday scams we’re all paying for like idiots (21 Photos)
Capitalism is great and breeds competition and all that. I get it. I’m not knocking one of the tenants this country was founded on, however, there are some ruthless scumbags out there taking advantage of your hard work and profiteering off the ignorance of consumers. I’m not just talking about used car salesman or western medicine practitioners, either. There are scams all around us that some of us never even think about. We just pony up and move on with our day. So, let’s shed some lights on a few of the scams we are all paying for every day. Add your own to the comments below because I am seriously ignorant to this stuff and need to save my money!
Having a vagina vs. a penis does not change your body chemistry to the point that we need sex specific shampoos etc. Hair is hair and skin is skin. For god’s sake just give me the damn soap and shut up.
I cut the cord recently and haven’t looked back. I refuse to pay $100/month to see 15 minutes of commercials in a half hour show. It’s out of control. They raise the prices and add MORE commercials. That’s ass-backwards. If I am paying more, I expect less bullshit marketing.
Don’t fall for this shit. Feel like you’re not getting paid your worth? Ask around to your fellow co-workers in the same position. Yes, I understand companies pay some people more based on different standards, but don’t let your employer bully you into not finding your worth.
The science behind “superfoods” is largely bullshit marketing.
It’s been discussed ad infintium, but Black Friday is bullshit. You’re largely getting either inferior products, or they’re just removing the already astronomical mark-ups they put on products to make them seem cheaper for one day. Also, don’t fall for the door buster bullshit.
It’s water. Unless you live in Flint, Michigan or a third world country, what comes out of the tap is probably just fine to drink. Also, the same buffoons out there paying $1/ounce for this shit, are the ones crying about plastics in the ocean.
For the love of god, I would be fine with everything rounded to the nearest dollar with tax included just to avoid these shenanigans.
So, let me get this straight: I already paid for my room, but if I want to park it’s another $35+ a night? This is a bullshit practice that just keeps getting worse and more expensive.
Moms, dads, and significant others everywhere still employ this tactic. IT’S A TRAP!
This isn’t just a scam, it should be illegal.
I also really like, “Contains 100% juice (from concentrate).” Fuck off.
I’ll take some chips with my bag of air, please. Thanks!
There may have been a day when agents and other middle men were needed, but now you can find just about anything/everything you need on the internet. You don’t need a realtor or a salesman. I just bought a truck spending an hour in a dealership thanks to the internet. Don’t spend money on go’fers.
So, what you’re really trying to say is you’ve been overcharging me all this time?
Remember when EA’s official slogan was, “If it’s in the game, it’s in the game?” Yeah, that’s hidden behind a paywall now, too.
Bullshit. Utter and complete bullshit. I have a sleeve and a few others and they all hurt and my mom told me I have a really high pain tolerance!
The whole point of beer in a keg is how much cheaper is it. Think $.50-.75 a beer. If you’re paying bottle price for draft beer, you go Moss’d.
Why work on one mile at a time when you can literally work on hundreds of miles of I35 at a time stretching between San Antonio and Waco and disrupt MILLIONS of people’s lives for infinity? The people in charge of regulating this need to be put out to pasture.
I know there was a time when Karen used to have to spend her time typing shit up and running between rooms or even buildings, but all that shit is done electronically now. Don’t tell me I am helping keep your lights and internet on…
You mean they’re not called French benefits? Unlimited vacation is a fucking sham. Otherwise, we’d all be working shorter work weeks and spending a hell of a lot more time enjoying life.
So long, sucker! Don’t let the door hit’ya where Jerry Jones split’ya!
Everyday scams we’re all paying for like idiots (21 Photos)
Reviewed by Your Destination
January 08, 2020
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