Overwhelming Majority Of Americans Believe Their Lives Will Improve In 2020 Due To Strong Economy

America is looking forward to the future again.
A new poll finds that 80 percent of Americans believe their lives will get better in the coming year, and it’s all about the economy and Trump.
The Democrats and their friends in the media may not understand it, but average working people do.
USA Today reports:
A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll this month asked Americans if they thought things would get better or worse in their own lives in 2020. By an overwhelming 80% to 11%, they predicted their lives would be better. That optimism stretched across demographic lines, although men had a more positive outlook than women (83% vs. 76%) and Southerners a more positive outlook than Midwesterners (84% vs. 74%).In follow-up interviews, those surveyed often mentioned the strong economy when asked what’s ahead for them.“My life’s going pretty well,” said Alex Foss, 28, a construction inspector from Lakeland, Florida. “I’m under 30, and I’m making more money each year.” He sees fellow millennials in his neighborhood buying homes and starting families.By about a 3-to-1 ratio (63% vs. 22%), those surveyed also predicted things would get better next year for their communities…Asked about the country’s prospects, respondents tended to mention President Donald Trump.Amy Locklear, 45, a retired teacher and Army veteran from Maxton, North Carolina, said she’s optimistic as long as Trump stays in office. “He gets things done,” she said. “I just want someone who does what they’ve promised.”
This is definitely a big improvement.
The Washington Times reports:
High marks for the Trump economyPresident Trump’s economy is a resounding success — so far.Economic growth has averaged 2.6 percent — the Bush and Obama presidencies together posted less than 2 percent. Historically low unemployment is promoting greater racial and gender equality.Wages are advancing at about a 3.7 percent annual pace after falling to 2.5 percent during the final years of the Obama presidency. Gains are increasingly flowing to lower income Americans and minorities, as blue collar industries like construction and maintenance face shortages of workers. The president’s apprenticeship program is opening new high-paying opportunities across the economy for non-college bound youth.In November, women rose to fully half of all non-farm employees. In 2018, women opened businesses at nearly twice the pace as during the prior six years, and college women are shifting in greater numbers to once male-dominated higher-paying college majors. Those should do a great deal to substantially reduce the gender pay gap.
None of the Democrats running in 2020 could even come close to this kind of success and they know it.
Overwhelming Majority Of Americans Believe Their Lives Will Improve In 2020 Due To Strong Economy
Reviewed by Your Destination
December 31, 2019
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