The weirdest places people have managed to fall asleep (16 GIFs)
I’m pretty picky about where I sleep. I’ve only fallen asleep on an airplane twice in my entire life, and I’ve slept in a car maybe four times. If I’m not on something soft and stable, there’s almost no chance I’m falling asleep unless I’m beyond tired.
Which is why these stories baffle me so much. To put it one way, I’ve never exactly fallen asleep in a concert crowd.
Underneath the car while doing an oil change.
When I was a kid, like 5 or 6, there was a tree in the front yard I really liked climbing. There was a branch perfectly shaped for little me to lie down on. Early one morning, I woke up and decided to take my sleeping bag up the tree and went back to sleep.
Wiz Khalifa concert
everyone was so high, I fell asleep for a few minutes standing up & the crowd was so thick I didn’t even fall over
During a job interview. He actually had to shake me awake. Weirder yet, i still got the job.
Techno party with my head on top of a bigass speaker.
In the back of an ambulance.
I’m the paramedic.
In college, I took a cognitive neuroscience course that involved designed experiments to be carried out in an MRI and how to analyze the brain images afterwards. As part of the course, we all carried out our studies, and I volunteered to be a participant for a few.
When I went to get in the MRI, the tech said I couldn’t wear my sweatshirt in due to the metal near the aglets, so she got me a blanket to keep warm. And to keep my head propped at the right angle, they gave me a stack of pillows.
I definitely unintentionally fucked with someone’s data by falling asleep mid-study.
On someone else’s wife’s shoulder
It was super late and I was going down on my ex girlfriend. I was bobbing my head and eventually just leaned against her thigh falling asleep
I fell asleep one time waiting before a medical procedure. They had to wake me up so that I could sign paperwork permitting them to put me to sleep.
Oh the irony.
On a tractor while plowing a field. I was doing night shifts during the summer and decided to get some extra hours in during the day so I was tired when doing my actual shift. I switched on the tractors gps and set it to give me a signal 50 meters before the field ended to wake me up to turn around. The fields were about 1200meters long so id get about 10 mins of sleep befor having to turn around again
at the dentist in the middle of drilling without any anesthesia. woke up to dentist trying to tell me to open my mouth more. for those wondering why no anesthesia: I have very high pain tolerance and I dislike how local anesthesia feels.
On a hedge at the end my road. Dad wasn’t too pleased at driving past his pissed up son sleeping in a hedge on his way to work.
While tying my shoes.
I’ve slept on the steps of the opera house in Sydney. In the bathroom of my local pub (3 hours 3 beers). Whilst milking cows on numerous occasions. Kmart changing room. Traveling 35mph on a quad bike. Those are a few, at the moment my weird place is on the floor in our hallway.
h/t Reddit
The weirdest places people have managed to fall asleep (16 GIFs)
Reviewed by Your Destination
November 27, 2019
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