Groomers with Guns Greet Child Protection Activists at Dallas All-Ages Drag Event – A Tayler Hansen Report

 In December investigate journalist Tayler Hansen attended the all-ages Christmas drag show in Dallas, Texas. During the event, at which minors were exposed to explicit sexual content, as reported by Newswars. 

Tayler’s reporting went viral and led to an proposals by lawmakers to ban children from these events in the state.

On Saturday Tayler Hansen covered the All-Ages Drag Show event in Dallas, Texas.

Hundreds of angry groomers assembled outside the event to confront the child protection activists who came out to protest the event. 

At least two groomers carried guns to defend their right to promote sexual content to children.

The protests were holding signs defending their “right” to show kids their crotch and joke about d*cks and p*ssies.

Once again, investigative reporter Tayler Hansen was on the scene.

Here are scenes from inside BuzzBrew.

Here is the audio they opened the show with.

Councilman Jesse Moreno, Councilman Paul Ridley and former State Rep Venton Jones were in attendance and delivered speeches in support of the event.

Groomers with Guns Greet Child Protection Activists at Dallas All-Ages Drag Event – A Tayler Hansen Report Groomers with Guns Greet Child Protection Activists at Dallas All-Ages Drag Event – A Tayler Hansen Report Reviewed by Your Destination on January 16, 2023 Rating: 5

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