NY Post Calls Out the 51 Former Senior Intelligence Officials including Former CIA Chiefs Who Openly Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Being ‘Russian Disinformation’


Spies who lie: The New York Post cover today says it all.
We can no longer trust the intelligence community in this country. They are liars and political operatives for the Democrat Party. Our intel communities are lost. It’s over.

Truth and integrity mean NOTHING to these people.

The New York Post reported:

They are the supposed nonpartisan group of top spies looking out for the best interest of the nation. 

But the 51 former “intelligence” officials who cast doubt on The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter really were just desperate to get Joe Biden elected president. And more than a year later, even after their Deep State sabotage has been shown again and again to be a lie, they refuse to own up to how they undermined an election.

The officials, including CNN pundit and professional fabricator James Clapper — a man who was nearly charged for perjury for lying to Congress — signed a letter saying that the laptop “has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” 

What proof did they have? By their own admission, none. “We do not know if the emails . . . are genuine or not,” the letter said. They’re just “suspicious.” Why? Because they hurt Biden’s campaign, that’s evidence enough.

Keep in mind this was written Oct. 19, 2020, five days after The Post published its first story. Neither Joe Biden nor Hunter Biden had denied the story, they simply deflected questions.

The dishonest men never should have held positions of such high authority. They are incapable of being honest with the American public.

And they weren’t the only ones. The fake news mainstream media all lied about the laptop too.
NEVER trust the fake news!

NY Post Calls Out the 51 Former Senior Intelligence Officials including Former CIA Chiefs Who Openly Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Being ‘Russian Disinformation’ NY Post Calls Out the 51 Former Senior Intelligence Officials including Former CIA Chiefs Who Openly Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop Being ‘Russian Disinformation’ Reviewed by Your Destination on March 19, 2022 Rating: 5

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