San Fran Subway System Under Fire After 2 Pigeon Eggs Halt Construction

A California subway system with an already poor reputation is now under fire for protecting two pigeon eggs at commuters’ expense.
Earlier this month, Bay Area Rapid Transit shuttered an escalator for repairs. Soon, the projected date on a repair sign was inexplicably pushed out another thirty days.
Residents started to question the move, which prompted BART to respond.
“During repairs on the 24th St Mission escalator, a pigeon set up a nest by the escalator and laid two eggs,” BART tweeted. “By federal law, we can’t disturb an active nest and monitored the nest every day.”

Most pigeons are considered vermin, not species protected enough to shut down a major repair operation. It didn’t take long before BART was called out on their claim of a federal law protecting nesting pigeons.
“Wondering why the escalator at 24th Mission BART was closed for weeks? A pigeon nested in it, & BART thought (wrongly!) they couldn’t legally move a nest,” wrote one San Francisco-based reporter.
BART made it clear to those that called them out on the nonexistent regulation that they “aren’t experts in pigeon breeds or in bird law.”
Although you don’t need to be a bird expert to know a pigeon when you see one, BART maintained that the nest was protected and their hands were still tied by regulation.

.... pigeons are federally protected?
Unclear as we aren't experts in pigeon breeds or in bird law. But this active nest with eggs was apparently one we could not relocate or remove without permission.

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Northern California’s KQED confirmed that although the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act does protect some nesting species, the common and non-native rock pigeon is not one that enjoys federal protection.
What’s worse, BART seemingly even paid someone to monitor the nest daily until the two hatchlings and their mother left the nest for good.
According to a map of the 24th St Mission station, it appears that there are only two entrances, both with escalators.
One of those escalators going out of commission no doubt hindered travel plans, especially for those who needed the motorized access.
Whether this failure was due to miscommunication, confusing regulation, or California workers simply too terrified of environmental laws to get rid of a pigeon, BART’s going to have a hard time explaining this one away.
San Fran Subway System Under Fire After 2 Pigeon Eggs Halt Construction San Fran Subway System Under Fire After 2 Pigeon Eggs Halt Construction Reviewed by Your Destination on July 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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