Another Transgender Charged With Threats Against Nashville Christian School

 A transgender alum of a Christian school in Nashville was arrested by the FBI after allegedly making threats against Christ Presbyterian Academy (CPA), days before the one-year anniversary of another transgender person slaughtering six people at The Covenant School.

criminal complaint unsealed May 6 said that on March 24, the defendant left a voicemail for CPA saying, “My name used to be legally …” — followed by a female name. The Daily Wire does not name mass shooters or others who aspire to infamy through violence. The defendant is charged under a male name.

“Ya’ll already know who I am. … Every time I think about my childhood. You know what I think about every time I put my head to sleep at night? You know what I think about every morning? First of all, you don’t want to know,” the voicemail said, court documents allege. “Do you wanna f— around. Ya’ll already know where I live. … I spent how many days sheltered in place, legally ordered by not only the state but America … your quote unquote date is going on a murderous rampage again.”

The voicemail references the movie Deadpool 2, about an “unstable young mutant … at an orphanage” who kills an abusive staff member.

The Covenant shooting occurred on March 27, 2023, and far-left activists in Tennessee billed March 31, 2024 — Easter Sunday — as a “Trans Day Of Vengeance.” The defendant posted to X, “CPA taught me: ‘Vengeance is mine,’ sayeth the Lord.”

The Tennessee Department of Homeland Security said the defendant also filmed the school and posted the video to X, attempting to open a door to the school and mentioning “watching the school burn.” The school’s surveillance cameras captured her taking a picture of a school map, the charging document said.

The law enforcement agency interviewed her on March 25, and she acknowledged the voicemail and apologized.

After that, she posted volatile messages about religious and conservative figures, including Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Gov. Bill Lee, writing on April 25 that “Bill Lee knows if he makes one wrong move it’s Joever [sic] for him and my 4th grade teacher… i.e., his WIFE.” She wrote of Blackburn, “Every single word is another nail in your coffin.”

The FBI then interviewed one of the victims who works at CPA, who said that he was especially concerned because three of his nieces had transferred to the school from Covenant after the mass shooting there.

Another school employee told the FBI that the school closed for the day after the voicemail as a result of it and the fact that it was the anniversary week of the Covenant shooting. The employee also said that many families chose not to send their kids to school the following day as well.

The defendant was charged in federal court with cyberstalking, which “criminalizes the conduct of a person who, with the intent to kill, injure, harass, intimidate, or place under surveillance with intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person, uses the mail [or] any interactive computer service.”

On X, the defendant also posted, “I’m here. I’m queer. Get used to it,” and like the Covenant shooter — who was also a female who believed she was a male — demonized white people, even though she was white.

“White people will really slaughter your whole family and think they’re more civilized than you because they did it with their pinkies up,” she reposted.

Her X account reposted a stream of violent leftist rhetoric, suggesting Israel was conducting “genocide” and writing, “Bush ALLOWED 9/11 to happen.”

She reposted Vice President Kamala Harris saying that “the highest court in our land took a constitutional right away from the women of America” and “Trump is to blame.” She blamed gun laws for “the Columbine shooting.”


She also said, “[T]he most dehumanizing and infantilizing thing that happened to us CPC/CPS kids post 9/11 was when wehad [sic] to go outside to walk to class and they wouldn’t let us look past the plastic that covered up america’s [sic] war crimes.” The complaint says the defendant attended the school from 1999 to 2004.

Although females rarely commit high-profile violence, there have been a string of alleged violent threats against schools by female-to-male transgender people, raising questions about whether sex-change hormones are playing a role.

In Maryland last month, an Asian woman who believed she was a male was arrested for allegedly planning to shoot up her high school near the 20th anniversary of the Columbine shootings, paying homage in a manifesto to the Covenant shooter.

Another Transgender Charged With Threats Against Nashville Christian School Another Transgender Charged With Threats Against Nashville Christian School Reviewed by Your Destination on May 10, 2024 Rating: 5

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