Trump Campaign Blasts Politico for Spewing ‘Lies’ About Trump’s Record on China

 Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung on Thursday blasted Politico editor Catherine Kim for misrepresenting former President Donald Trump’s record on China. 

In a statement titled, “Politico Carries Water for the Chinese Communist Party; Spews Lies and Falsehoods to Interfere In 2024 Election,” Cheung said:

In Politico’s Nightly newsletter, Catherine Kim makes a harebrained assertion that China would prefer President Trump to return to the White House. The same President Trump who made China submit to pro-America trade and tariff regulations, called them out for exporting the Coronavirus that killed millions across the world, and stood tough against Chinese economic aggression throughout his first term.

For a media outlet and its reporter to peddle lies and feature commentary from a ‘China expert’ named Rorry Daniels—who by the way is a Democrat donor—is laughable at best. Politico is being played by devious Chinese forces who seek to manipulate malleable American media outlets and their reporters because they know Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real disease that distorts all reasoning.

Cheung added:

The fact is that China has grown stronger under a weak Biden presidency, and our allies are even more in danger as China builds up its economic and military power. Deadly Chinese fentanyl continues to flow into American communities killing scores of people while illegal Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group crossing the Southern Border.

On Wednesday, Kim, an associate editor at Politico, published a nightly newsletter that highlighted a New York Times report that alleged China is conducting an operation to help Trump get elected in 2024. The Times article said covert Chinese social media accounts are masquerading as Trump supporters and sharing memes and mocking President Joe Biden.

The newsletter cited Rorry Daniels, managing director of the Asia Society Policy Institute, who argued that a second Trump presidency could create strategic opportunities for China’s expansion plans, since his “isolationist tendencies offer an opening for them to fill the vacuum.”

Kim also wrote that Trump “has a soft spot for strongmen.” She wrote:

Even amidst his threats of tariffs, the former president has never held back on his praise for Xi, recently calling him a ‘very good friend of mine during my term.’ Biden does not share the same admiration: He’s publicly called Xi a dictator, a term that has received vigorous pushback from China’s foreign ministry.

Kim did not mention how Biden has often claimed that he has traveled 17,000 miles with Xi. Biden repeated it as recently as February. Biden said in February:

And, you know, it seems to me that — I’ll conclude by saying, I — I’ve spent a lot of time with Xi Jinping — someone whom I have a great deal of difference with.  And I was — when I was vice president, President — my — my president was — told me that he wanted me to get to know Xi Jinping because it was clear he was going to be the head of Russia — of — of China and that he — we had a — we were having problems with Russia at the time and other countries as well.  And so, what he said was, “Get to know him.  He’s going to be there.”  I — and he couldn’t because he was the president, and he couldn’t travel.  So, I traveled 17,000 miles with him throughout the country — our country and — and in — in China, as well.

We were in the Tibetan Plateau.  And he turned to me, and he said, “Can you define America for me?”  And I — given this has been documented, and it’s real — I looked at him, and I said, “Yes, I can.  In one word.”  And he looked at me.  And he said, “What’s that?”  And I said, “Possibilities.”  Possibilities.

Here is to possibilities.

Despite Biden’s touting of his close relationship with Xi, Kim cited Daniels as saying, “There is a sense that Donald Trump really does enjoy and appreciate or admire authoritarian leaders and authoritarian systems… . He’s impressed by the way leaders like Xi Jinping can move the systems toward their will.”

Cheung also called out Politico’s relationship with a news outlet he said is “widely considered to be the mouthpiece of the CCP.”

Let’s not forget Politico’s official media partner in Asia is the South China Morning Post, widely considered to be the mouthpiece of the CCP,” he said.

“Instead of hawking pro-Chinese talking points, Politico should turn their backs on their puppet masters and report on real news—a Biden presidency means a weaker America and a stronger China. There is only one person who can stop that from happening: Donald J. Trump,” he added.

Trump Campaign Blasts Politico for Spewing ‘Lies’ About Trump’s Record on China Trump Campaign Blasts Politico for Spewing ‘Lies’ About Trump’s Record on China Reviewed by Your Destination on April 04, 2024 Rating: 5

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