Top Iranian IRGC General Targeted By Israeli Airstrike Played Key Role In October 7 Terror Attack: Pro-IRGC Group

 An Iranian political group that staunchly supports Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said this week that the top IRGC general who was killed in an Israeli airstrike this week played a key role in planning and executing Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack against Israel.

Israel eliminated Mohammed Reza Zahedi, the top commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria, from the battlefield on Monday as he met with other Iranian commanders and leaders from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group.

The Coalition Council of Islamic Revolution Forces responded to the strike by praising Zahedi’s “strategic role in forming and strengthening the resistance front as well as in planning and executing the Al-Aqsa Storm.”

“The supporters of Tel Aviv should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s harsh and regrettable response to this bloody crime is on its way and will affect the future equations of the region, God willing,” the group threatened.

The group is led by former Iranian Parliament Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel, a close ally of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, according to a report from Iran International. The group’s secretary is a former top IRGC commander.

The report noted that the statement was “the clearest admission of Iran’s involvement” in the October 7 massacre in which Palestinians murdered 1,200 people in Israel, wounded 5,300+, and kidnapped hundreds — many  

Iran claimed the attack was on its embassy and called it “a flagrant violation of international laws, diplomatic norms, and the requirements of the Vienna Convention” and vowed that “this attack will have our fierce response.”

Joe Truzman, senior research analyst at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), a non-partisan institution focusing on national security and foreign policy, told The Daily Wire that the airstrike targeting Zahedi and other top IRGC leaders carried two critical implications.

“Firstly, it serves as a clear message that Israel will not tolerate violent actions against the Jewish state by the IRGC,” Truzman said. “Secondly, the decision to strike the Iranian consulate on Syrian soil demonstrates Israel’s willingness to take risks to defend itself despite the high potential for retaliatory actions by Iran or its proxies in the region.”

Top Iranian IRGC General Targeted By Israeli Airstrike Played Key Role In October 7 Terror Attack: Pro-IRGC Group Top Iranian IRGC General Targeted By Israeli Airstrike Played Key Role In October 7 Terror Attack: Pro-IRGC Group Reviewed by Your Destination on April 07, 2024 Rating: 5

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