Joy Behar Claims Republicans Are Competing To Ruin Women’s Lives

 Joy Behar claimed on Tuesday that Republicans – specifically former President Donald Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) — were competing to see who could “make women’s lives more miserable.”

Behar made the comments during a discussion on ABC’s midday talk show “The View,” saying that they were working to “destroy women” by supporting restrictions or advocating for outright bans on abortion.

Cohost Whoopi Goldberg began the conversation by referencing Monday’s announcement from former President Trump, in which he took credit for bringing about the end of Roe v. Wade and said that he believed abortion legislation should be determined by the states rather than at the federal level. Graham and Pence both pushed back, arguing that Trump had not gone far enough to protect the unborn.

“He’s kicking abortion rights back to the states,” Goldberg said of Trump — despite the fact that abortion legislation reverted to state control immediately following the Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. “And it’s not landing well.”

“It landed with a thud with a ton of conservatives,” Goldberg continued. “His former vp, his minion Lindsey Graham, and anti-abortion activists are slamming it as a betrayal to people who voted for him in 2016 and 2020.”


Behar weighed in next, suggesting that the only possible reason she could think of to explain why Republicans were fighting for more restrictions on abortion was that they were trying to outdo each other in their efforts to “make women miserable.”


“Number one — first of all, Pence, Lindsay Graham, and Trump — are fighting to see who could make women’s lives more miserable. That’s like what they’re really fighting for. ‘How can we really destroy women in this country?’ That’s it,” she said.

Behar then claimed that despite his recent public spat with Trump over his abortion stance, Graham — whom she also referred to as a flip-flopper who “doesn’t have a spine” — would likely still support the former president.

Joy Behar Claims Republicans Are Competing To Ruin Women’s Lives Joy Behar Claims Republicans Are Competing To Ruin Women’s Lives Reviewed by Your Destination on April 10, 2024 Rating: 5

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