State Official Faces Lawsuit From GOP Over ‘Impossibly High’ Voter Registration

 The Republican National Committee (RNC) slapped Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguliar with a lawsuit on Friday, alleging that the state has “impossibly high” voter registration rolls.

The lawsuit alleges that the state of Nevada is failing to maintain the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) which mandates that voter rolls must keep “clean and accurate voter registration records.” The RNC is alleging that according to their analysis, five of Nevada’s 17 counties have inflated voter rolls which they say indicates a violation of the NVRA, the lawsuit claims.

“Election integrity starts with clean voter rolls, and that’s why the National Voter Registration Act requires state officials to keep their rolls accurate and up-to-date,” RNC Co-Chair Michael Whatley wrote in a Monday press release. “Nevada has universal mail voting and no voter ID requirement, which makes Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar’s failure to comply with the NVRA and provide accurate voter rolls all the more concerning. Securing clean voter rolls in Nevada is a critical step towards ensuring that it will be easy to vote and hard to cheat.”

“At least three Nevada counties have more registered voters than they have adult citizens who are over the age of 18,” the lawsuit alleges. “That number of voters is impossibly high.”

The lawsuit alleges that two counties in Nevada have active voter registration rates that surpass 90% of adult citizens over the age of 18. That number, the RNC alleges in its lawsuit, “far eclipses” the voter registration rate nationwide and at the state-level in elections recently.

The RNC filed a similar lawsuit in Michigan on March 13, against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. The lawsuit alleged that the state was failing to comply with the NVRA because numerous counties allegedly had “inflated voter rolls.” As of March 14, the RNC had filed 79 election integrity lawsuits in 23 states in the 2024 election cycle. 

Though many swing states still have some laws in place that Republicans have previously decried during the 2020 election, a recent Daily Caller investigation revealed that the RNC is currently working hand in hand with NRCC and the NRSC on an expansive election integrity effort. According to a Daily Caller analysis, at least seven battleground states are slated to deploy ballot drop-boxes and nearly all are likely to have no-excuse absentee voting. Five swing states currently have two weeks of early voting while numerous others will mail out absentee ballots more than six weeks before election day.

As a part of the election integrity efforts, recently elected RNC Co-chair Laura Trump announced March 15 that the party would be partnering with popular conservative influencer Scott Presler to work on legal ballot chasing operations.

“But we also have to start thinking about legal ballot harvesting, something we have never embraced as a party. We are going to start doing it now. I am going to have a call very soon with Scott Presler, who is an amazing voter registerer. He has registered so many people in this country. I think he is fantastic. I want him on our legal ballot harvesting division,” Trump said while appearing on Benny Johnson’s podcast.

State Official Faces Lawsuit From GOP Over ‘Impossibly High’ Voter Registration State Official Faces Lawsuit From GOP Over ‘Impossibly High’ Voter Registration Reviewed by Your Destination on March 19, 2024 Rating: 5

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