Trump On If He Is Denied Immunity From Criminal Prosecution: Biden ‘Would Be Ripe For Indictment’

 Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday after an appeals court hearing that if he is denied immunity from prosecution, President Joe Biden would be “ripe for indictment.”

The hearing with the DC Circuit Court of Appeals centered around whether Trump was immune from being criminally prosecuted for his alleged role in attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“Of course, I was entitled as president of the United States and commander-in-chief to immunity,” Trump said. “I’m entitled to immunity. Every president has immunity, especially one that did the job I did. I did a great job, and I wasn’t working for myself. I was working for the country. I wasn’t campaigning. The election was long over. I wasn’t campaigning. I was looking for voter fraud, something that I have to do under my mandate. I have to look for voter fraud. And I was finding it, tremendous amounts of voter fraud in the 2020 election. We have volumes of information. That’s all there.”

“If I don’t get immunity, then Crooked Joe Biden doesn’t get immunity,” he continued, later adding: “I mean, Joe would be ripe for indictment. So you’re saying that Trump shouldn’t get immunity, but Joe Biden would? I didn’t do anything like he did. I ran a great country.”

Trump said that the fact that he is being criminally investigated “opened a giant Pandora’s box” that could later ensnare Biden.

“They’re all Biden indictments,” Trump said. “These aren’t indictments, as we say, like God coming down from heaven and saying you did something wrong. These were indictments given and pushed by Joe Biden. And he told his DOJ to do it. Don’t believe anything else. He told his DOJ to do it. Go and indict him because he’s losing badly in the polls so badly that he figures this is the only way that he can win.”


Trump On If He Is Denied Immunity From Criminal Prosecution: Biden ‘Would Be Ripe For Indictment’ Trump On If He Is Denied Immunity From Criminal Prosecution: Biden ‘Would Be Ripe For Indictment’ Reviewed by Your Destination on January 10, 2024 Rating: 5

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