Biden Calls Corruption Allegations A ‘Bunch Of Lies’

 President Joe Biden claimed on Wednesday that Americans are being suckered by “a bunch of lies” as he faces an impeachment inquiry.

A reporter from the New York Post pressed Biden on polling that shows a large part of the U.S. public is concerned that he may have acted illegally or unethically in regards to his family’s foreign business ventures.

“Can you explain to Americans, amid this impeachment inquiry, why you interacted with so many of your son and brother’s foreign business associates?” the reporter, Steven Nelson, asked.

“I’m not going to comment on that. I did not. And it’s just a bunch of lies,” Biden replied.

Nelson tried to get in a follow-up question, asking Biden if he “didn’t” interact with any of his family members’ business partners.

Biden insisted, “I did not,” as he repeated, “they’re lies.”

For months, the GOP-led House has been investigating whether the business practices of Biden’s family members fostered corruption in government — spurred by a money trail showing millions of dollars from foreign countries — and looking into how the Department of Justice has conducted the criminal probe into the president’s son, Hunter Biden.


President Biden and his allies insist there is no wrongdoing by the president and claim the investigative efforts by House Republicans are tainted by politics.

But there is evidence of some degree of President Biden having contact with his family’s business associates found in an abandoned laptop that purportedly belonged to Hunter Biden. And congressional investigators have received witness testimony about alleged interactions that may have boosted the lucrative Biden “brand.”

Nelson shared on X a reaction from Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY), who leads the impeachment inquiry, to Biden’s comments on Wednesday. “We have produced evidence revealing Joe Biden spoke, dined, took meetings and had coffee with his son’s foreign business associates,” he said. Comer also said the House is “expected” to vote this month to formalize the impeachment inquiry.

Biden’s exchange with Nelson took place shortly after Comer and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) issued a warning to Hunter Biden that he faces the prospect of contempt of Congress proceedings if he does not appear for a deposition this month in compliance with a subpoena.

Biden Calls Corruption Allegations A ‘Bunch Of Lies’ Biden Calls Corruption Allegations A ‘Bunch Of Lies’ Reviewed by Your Destination on December 07, 2023 Rating: 5

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