Grave robbers steal body parts from person buried 100 years ago in Colorado cemetery

 Grave robbers stole body parts from a person buried approximately 100 years ago in a cemetery in Colorado, according to local officials.

Around 7:20 a.m. on Wednesday, deputies with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to the Crown Hill Cemetery in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. A cemetery worker arrived at work that morning and discovered that one of the crypts was damaged. 

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office said in a statement, "Upon arrival, deputies observed severe damage to the crypt front on a private mausoleum, as well as damage to the crypt and casket inside."

Investigators said that the casket had been pried open and body parts from the decedent had been stolen.

Cemetery officials said the damage to the mausoleum is estimated to be roughly $30,000.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the person had been buried roughly 100 years ago.

Authorities did not reveal the name of the person whose remains were stolen and did not reveal the family who owned the mausoleum. Police said they were still attempting to contact current relatives of the deceased. 

Police suspect that grave robbers entered the cemetery at night.

Investigators performed a "thorough search of the area," and the crime scene was processed for evidence.

Grave robbers steal body parts from person buried 100 years ago in Colorado cemetery Grave robbers steal body parts from person buried 100 years ago in Colorado cemetery Reviewed by Your Destination on October 15, 2023 Rating: 5

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