Empty Ramaswamy Campaign Vehicle Hit At Event By Protesters

 An empty vehicle belonging to pharmaceutical executive Vivek Ramaswamy’s presidential campaign was hit at a campaign event in Iowa on Thursday by a couple of left-wing demonstrators who had protested him earlier.

A small group of protesters shouted at the presidential candidate outside of the event before two of them, both in their twenties, later got in their car and drove off, but not before hitting the parked car. A Daily Mail reporter said that the damage was minor, totaling a few hundred dollars for each vehicle.

The 38-year-old reportedly has a private security detail.

“I believe in free speech, especially for those who disagree with me,” Ramaswamy posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Violence is never the answer. We will always hold ourselves to a higher standard than the other side.”

Fox News reported that the Grinnell Police Department was called to the scene over a “property damage incident.”

The report noted that Ramaswamy’s campaign could not say definitively whether the incident was intentional, although they did call it “unAmerican and unacceptable.”

The Associated Press noted that Ramaswamy sent out fundraising emails in response to the crash and asked supporters to “stand for free speech” by donating to him.

Empty Ramaswamy Campaign Vehicle Hit At Event By Protesters Empty Ramaswamy Campaign Vehicle Hit At Event By Protesters Reviewed by Your Destination on October 06, 2023 Rating: 5

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