Biden Admin Warns Lawmakers Another Country Might Be About To Get Invaded

 Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly warned some U.S. lawmakers last week that Azerbaijan could soon invade Armenia.

POLITICO reported that the Biden administration is concerned that conflict in the Middle East could soon spread after Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev made recent remarks that he will retake the region “by force” after he invaded the Nagorno-Karabakh region last month.

Blinken claimed that the Biden administration was looking for ways to hold Azerbaijan accountable, including cutting off military assistance to the country. U.S. officials reportedly believe that the invasion could happen in the next several weeks.

The report, based on the way it was written, suggested that the administration only briefed Democrat lawmakers, saying that he expressed confidence about ongoing talks between the nations “to the Democratic lawmakers.”

The U.S. would cut off funding to Azerbaijan by not renewing a waiver that allows the U.S. to do so, which it has renewed every year for the last two decades.

When Azerbaijan invaded Nagorno-Karabak last month, more than 100,000 ethnic Armenians were forced to flee. Dozens of leaders were arrested during the invasion.

“But Nagorno-Karabakh is not the only territorial dispute between the two Caucasus countries,” the report said. “[Azerbaijan] has proposed a route to the Nakhichevan exclave that would cut through Armenia’s southern Syunik region, known in Azerbaijani as Zangezur, and enable road traffic to bypass Iran.”

The chaos is the latest example of a pattern of instability that has sprung up across the world under the Biden administration as countries from Europe to the Middle East have been invaded and destabilized.


Another country that could soon take aggressive action is China — invading Taiwan as Beijing sees America getting spread thinner and thinner as it grapples with trying to contain the fallout from a weak Biden administration.

Biden Admin Warns Lawmakers Another Country Might Be About To Get Invaded Biden Admin Warns Lawmakers Another Country Might Be About To Get Invaded Reviewed by Your Destination on October 14, 2023 Rating: 5

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