RFK Jr. Has No Love For The CIA — But His Highest-Paid Campaign Staffer Is Ex-CIA Daughter-In-Law

 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has often been critical of the intelligence community — and the CIA specifically — but that apparently isn’t standing in the way of him paying for his ex-CIA daughter-in-law to work for his presidential campaign.

According to information uncovered by The Washington Free Beacon’s Chuck Ross, the Democratic presidential hopeful’s daughter-in-law — former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox Kennedy — is actually the “highest-salaried employee on his campaign.”

Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, according to a Barnes & Noble blurb for her 2019 memoir “Life Undercover: Coming of Age in the CIA,” was recruited by the intelligence agency at the age of 21. An NBC News report at the time suggested that the CIA may not have completed a full review of the manuscript prior to publication.

“Her first assignment was reading and analyzing hundreds of classified cables a day from foreign governments and synthesizing them into daily briefs for the president. Her next assignment was at the Iraq desk in the Counterterrorism Center. At twenty-two, she was fast-tracked into advanced operations training, sent from Langley to ‘the Farm,’ where she lived for six months in a simulated world learning how to use a Glock, how to get out of flexicuffs while locked in the trunk of a car, how to withstand torture, and the best ways to commit suicide in case of captivity,” the blurb continued.


According to the campaign’s financial disclosures, she is currently being paid for “administrative” duties.

For his part, RFK Jr. has often publicly stated that he blames the CIA for the murder of his uncle, the late President John F. Kennedy.

The candidate – currently polling well behind President Joe Biden in a Democratic primary matchup — has been vocal in his continued criticisms of the intelligence community.

“What is known — During the Cold War, the CIA compromised some 400 American journalists under Operation Mockingbird. What is less known — Operation Mockingbird is alive and well today,” he posted via X.

Kennedy also suggested the CIA was working in concert with the FBI to censor the lab-leak theory on the origins of the COVID pandemic.

“Dept of Energy admits COVID came from China Lab. US intelligence agencies were largest funders of reckless gain-of-function studies at Wuhan so it’s no wonder they deceived President Biden about COVID’s origins. Thank God DOE is standing up for truth,” he said.

Our intelligence services have become obsessed with overturning regimes and meddling in the affairs of other countries, rather than just gathering information that can help them protect Americans,” Kennedy said, sharing a conversation he’d had with Russell Brand. “In the long term, this strategy does more harm than good for America, and causes chaos and suffering around the world. I intend to change that. Thanks @rustyrockets for an in-depth conversation.”

RFK Jr. Has No Love For The CIA — But His Highest-Paid Campaign Staffer Is Ex-CIA Daughter-In-Law RFK Jr. Has No Love For The CIA — But His Highest-Paid Campaign Staffer Is Ex-CIA Daughter-In-Law Reviewed by Your Destination on August 24, 2023 Rating: 5

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