Mega-rich leftist Joy Behar actually says 'economy is booming,' 'people are having an easier time putting bread on the table' in defense of Biden

 Leftist Joy Behar — who reportedly earns $7 million annually as a co-host on "The View" — said on Friday's program that "the economy is booming" and "people are having an easier time putting bread on the table" in a passionate defense of President Joe Biden.

What are the details?

NewsBusters noted that Behar "flipped out after hearing about a New York Times/Siena poll that found former President Trump could possibly beat" Biden in 2024.

Here's her stunning take on Biden's performance, specifically in regard to financial matters:

"Let me say something about Joe Biden. According to what I’m observing, the economy is booming, inflation is down, the stock market is doing well, people are having an easier time putting bread on the table, et cetera. He doesn't seem to be getting the credit for that — only 41 percent approval. Is it because they think he's old? Because I don't see anything else they can point to with him particularly."

How are folks reacting?

RealClearPolitics ran with a piece on Behar's claims, and commenters were aghast:

  • "Well, well, well, Joy Behar's let-them-eat-cake moment... bread on the table is probably all the average folks can afford these days," one commenter wrote.
  • "Must be nice to be a dried-up Communist ... raking in seven figures for doing nothing but spewing lies, propaganda, and censorship on behalf of the Democrat Party's Communist dictatorship," another commenter declared.
  • "This woman is a joke," another commenter said. "I’m retired and on a budget. The price of gas has doubled in the past 3 years at my gas station. My grocery bill is 25% higher, and the cost of other services is [a] minimum 20% higher. And she thinks I’m having an easier time putting bread on the table. THIS IS A PRIME EXAMPLE OF DEMOCRAT THOUGHT. The problem is, it is NOT TRUE."
  • "Was this recorded in early 2020?" another commenter asked. "It certainly bears no resemblance to the Xiden regime's record on the economy."
Mega-rich leftist Joy Behar actually says 'economy is booming,' 'people are having an easier time putting bread on the table' in defense of Biden Mega-rich leftist Joy Behar actually says 'economy is booming,' 'people are having an easier time putting bread on the table' in defense of Biden Reviewed by Your Destination on August 06, 2023 Rating: 5

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