Tennessee Youth Soccer Coach Suspected Of Raping Unconscious Minors

 A youth soccer coach has been arrested after pictures and “unconscionable videos” allegedly on his phone revealed he drugged and raped unconscious boys, according to police. 

Camilo Hurtado Campos, a 63-year-old from Franklin, Tennessee, left his phone at a restaurant, prompting a customer to hand it to employees. As employees went through the phone to identify its owner, they discovered the alarming content and contacted police. 

“During an immediate and tireless investigation, Detectives found hundreds of disturbing videos and pictures on that phone,” Franklin police said in a statement. “In many of them, Campos recorded himself raping unconscious boys between approximately 9 and 17 years old.”

According to authorities, there is video evidence showing that at least ten minors were raped, News Channel 5 reports. Two minors have been identified, but police are working to identify the other victims. Detectives said some were in such an unconscious state they likely didn’t even realize what happened. 

Campos would allegedly recruit players for his team during his off hours at school playgrounds. He would then invite them to his home, drug, and rape them after he had gained their trust, according to investigators. 

The suspect has lived in the city of Franklin for 20 years, though it’s unclear how long he has been a soccer coach and what drugs he allegedly used. A press release from the city described Campos as a “popular” coach. 

“A heartbreaking investigation is underway as Franklin Police work to identify several young children who were drugged and raped by a Franklin man,” the press release said. 

Campos is being held on charges of rape of a child and sexual exploitation of a minor, though authorities are expected to file “several” additional charges against him, according to the press release. As of Sunday, he was being held on $525,000 bond, NBC News reported


Police ask that anyone associated with Campos in the past, especially those he has coached, reach out to the Franklin Police Department at (615) 794-2513 to help identify additional victims. 

Franklin is a city just south of Nashville with a population of roughly 86,000.

Tennessee Youth Soccer Coach Suspected Of Raping Unconscious Minors Tennessee Youth Soccer Coach Suspected Of Raping Unconscious Minors Reviewed by Your Destination on July 10, 2023 Rating: 5

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