MUST READ: An Italian Man’s Personal Warning on the Return of Totalitarianism in Italy


Guest post by Gianmarco Landi and translated by Martina Giuntoli

This article is addressed to the Italian American patriots and to all those American and British families who, because of the Second World War, have a loved one buried under a white cross here in Italy.

The series of facts that plunged the World into the barbarity of the Second World War must never be forgotten,  as well as the noble sacrifice of the young Allied soldiers which was painfully necessary in order to defeat all totalitarian regimes including the one in Italy.

On January 31st, 2020, a state of emergency was declared in the Republic of Italy, and because of it, we’ve had two governments (Conte’s second mandate and Draghi’s first mandate) that have unleashed a flourish of illiberal and undemocratic rules, relying on a pretext of a pandemic situation imposed by a virus supposedly originated in China.

It should be remembered that many authoritative scientific sources or other sources of important international intelligence, had revealed that the Chinese virus not only had originated in a laboratory, but it was most likely spread in order to deploy colossal socio-political, economic, and financial effects. The debate around a sentence written by the philosopher Lucius Seneca, Nero’s popular tutor,  “cui prodest scelus, is fecit” (who has the great advantage from the crime is the one who committed it), explains the deep financial, political, and ideological reason underlying what has been going on throughout the world over the last two years.

The work of the two Italian governments in the last two years, in fact, has been the reference benchmark for the so-called “emergency management” in all democratic countries, and many other governments have implemented the same type of liberticide measures because of the Italian example.

In this bed of important facts, it is essential to open a historical parallel with the events that occurred exactly 100 years ago. A century ago, at the end of a stupid parade of black shirts in Rome in 1922, under the pressure of the Red Biennium and the communist danger, an apparently democratic regime was born that only after a while became what we all know as Fascism.

The above-mentioned operation was a worldwide political operation to which everybody referred to all over the world as an example to imitate. Also, these events had the official blessing of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry cartels of that time, from which almost all the know-how of current stateless pharmaceutical giants originates.

The pretext of the March on Rome and the dangers deeply connected to the Italian Red Biennium, which conceptually referred to the attack on JP Morgan attributed to Italian anarchists and the shameful story of  Sacco and Vanzetti, was the basis on which David Rockefeller suggested to the Italian King to give the charge of Prime Minister to Mussolini. The political rise of the Dux is therefore due to the economic strength of a newspaper. Not to be forgotten this newspaper, which was financed by an important entrepreneur operating in the pharmaceutical and chemical sector, also became the most important point of reference of the so-called Fasci di Combattimento.

The totalitarian development of the Italian government

Mussolini thus became a reference paradigm for those who wanted to emulate the same formula, given that he saw the enormous success of his governments in the years before the Second World War. A lot of other countries reproduced the same exact idea of liberticide government, such as Hitler in Germany, Salazar in Portugal, Franco in Spain, Petain in France, Vargas in Brazil, Peron in Argentina, and so on.

It is therefore of worldwide interest what is frightfully happening in the political laboratory of Italy, where the foundations of a totalitarian regime aiming at the oppression of the free and democratic character of the Republic have been established.

A coup d’état has taken place through the treacherous exercise of an institutional media bombing that hypnotized around 80% of the Italian population. The puppeteers of this coup are the heirs of the same stateless financial forces that imposed Fascism 100 years ago and Nazism 90 years ago. Yet this time they are implementing the control of the masses neither through a recognizable party nor an identifiable charismatic leader, but through organizations that are capable of deploying physical violence.

At the basis of the coup d’état under the banner of a new and modern Fascism, is the success of a collective hypnosis achieved by ‘shouting’ fake news and speculating on thousands of corpses of citizens killed in terrorist attacks indirectly organized through the scientific sabotage of regular hospital activities.

100 years after the March on Rome, another brutal dictatorship would have never been possible in the same way, this is why this time the new Totalitarianism has been created through the violent protection of an abstract common good that receives obedience, thanks to the psychological wounds inflicted caused by the above-mentioned state of collective hypnosis.

Collective hypnosis is a scientific phenomenon pursued through a path of mass psychology expertly cadenced in three stages:

  1. creating a widespread state of fear and anxiety about the future, with stress caused by isolation, media terrorism, and legal confusion about what may or may not be done;
  2. loss of freedom and decision-making on one’s life, causing psychological failure and total reliance on the jailers, something that can be counted in the bed of the variants of the so-called Stockholm Syndrome;
  3. univocal, compulsive, and obsessive media narration for the unique purpose of creating the defense of an abstract common good. In this perspective what has been obtained is hate and distance towards those who did not get hypnotized and all resilient citizens who still question science, ethical principles, and other rules that have been implemented by the totalitarian regime.

History should be remembered in order to fully understand the gravity of what is currently happening in Italy, which is not far at all from the persecution of Jews in Germany from 1933 to 1939. One may point out that we do not have concentration camps nowadays, which is true, but at the same time it is worth considering that also before the well-known concentration camps for the extermination of Jews were materially built by IG Farben (a financial conglomerate of pharmaceutical multinationals in the 1930s), and ruled by the SS of Himmler, the population was hit by Goebbels’s propaganda, which culminated with the Kristallnacht, that is to say, the free outburst of hatred among citizens as a result of government-created fences.

After approximately 80 years, the instrument for the ideological discrimination of human beings does not have its roots on the same ethnic or scientific, or religious definitions for the benefit of the majority of the German or European People, but it still produces and worships dogmas about health care and what remains of what we once called science, sticking violent discriminatory labels onto people, such as flat-earther, conspiracy theorist or anti-vaxer. The episodes of hatred and violence that have been unleashed in Italy among citizens and even close relatives leave literally stunned anyone who has not fallen victim to this state of collective hypnosis.

The last two Italian governments are continuing a gradual and violent decline of the Democratic Order, by implementing a despotic regime under administrative decrees according to which bureaucratic abuse is practically instigated by Prefectures and Quaestors.  The tangible discrimination between masked and unmasked together with other huge violations of the Nuremberg and Oviedo Treaties are now daily occurrences.  The Italian Government, through financial blackmail, obliges those who are not hypnotized by the Media,  to have a medical treatment based on a gene-drug in trial phase 3, whose adverse reactions are therefore unknown in the medium and long term, and that definitely interfere with the functioning of cellular DNA.

In this regard, these rules also conflict with a specific EU Regulation that prohibits financial pressure to encourage participation in medical treatments which are still at an experimental stage.  Therefore the Italian Government is manifestly and openly committing crimes against humanity in violation of international laws and codes such as Nuremberg, Oviedo, and the European Union, as well as in defiance of the Constitution of the Italian Republic. The Italian Constitution itself prohibits mass health treatments of drugs that have already been tested without an ad hoc law previously approved by the Parliament.

Nevertheless, the Government is even imposing these experimental health treatments not only without a law but even without making clear to its citizens that there must be a specialist doctor who prescribes the drug under the precise assumption of responsibility for what is being administered, in accordance with the numerous laws that have been therefore neglected.

POSTER OF AN ITALIAN NEWSPAPER: Mother hammers her daughter – No Vax: “I wanted to kill her”

Particularly chilling is the inhuman coldness with which the Draghi Regime operates. It has already gone far beyond the abominations conceived in the latter part of the Twenties by Mussolini, ready to reach the points of barbarism delivered by Adolf Hitler to the history books. The Draghi regime is based on an empty parliamentary platform because it is no longer the expression of the 4-year-old popular vote.

The Parliamentary Platform of the Draghi Regime has also constituted the dialectic basis to reconfirm Sergio Mattarella, a member of the Italian Democratic Party (PD),  as the Italian president of the republic. It is worth remembering that the PD did not even win the elections, since the right-wing and the independent 5 Stelle party had the best numbers four years ago when the elections took place.

What is happening is therefore evidence of the fascist and mafia-like degradation of a Democratic Republic which is operated and implemented also through the forced silence of dissident citizens who have had their right to protest in any significant square throughout Italy denied since last December, as well as the possibility to express themselves on the National Media and Social Media. In Italy quaestors and government prefects operate in full harmony with the so-called fact-checkers, such as the renowned journalist Enrico Mentana, whose offices ‘beat’ dissidents into silence on Facebook and other social media.

All these barbaric events are taking place while the Italian Parliament is showing its full corruption linked to beggings and beggers as well as the Jesuit banker Mario Draghi, with his hands still bloodied because of the European Austerity Regime. The corruption though is also connected to some Jacobin intimidations by some magistrates, as well as to the work of PD leaders,  who have substantially robbed the members of Parliament of the possibility to speak or act freely.

They can no longer represent the interests of the Italian People without being persecuted by judicial reprisals of an implicit political nature. The Constitution of the Italian Republic itself obviously does not make all this possible, as well as legislating by decree is not made possible, even if a national emergency (whose maximum duration is two years)  is declared by the Government.

However, the Draghi government is moving forward, and after two more years and two more days, the regime accelerates with even more cynicism and malice, as if everything was literally possible, because of an armored bureaucracy which Mussolini, Hitler, and all their associates, they did not have.

Finally, what follows is a direct and personal testimony of an event that has affected me and that constitutes an international indictment that I launch to stop barbarism as soon as possible in my country.

Italy is plunging into a fascist drift, imbued with despicable Nazi content, in order to apply eugenics and the digitization of rights in favor of a political formula of government to be exported all over the world as it happened between the two World Wars with the Fascist State, under the banner of a global almond-eyed communist tyranny.

I just turned 50 and last night I went to a TIM phone shop located via Indipendenza in Bologna, the city where I live. Here I was offended and discriminated as a Jew in Germany in the days right before the Kristallnacht took place, just because of my free choice not to accept the ‘gift’ of an experimental gene serum, a condition that would oblige me to get a vaccine passport. More in details I was mortified, mocked, and assaulted by a vile act of discrimination brought to me not by a boy half my age, evidently hypnotized and financially blackmailed by TIM’s corporate needs, but by the objectionable consequences of a Decree of the Draghi Government applied by the State Police. When I was kicked out of the store, following my complaints, the young man called the Police. Two police cars and four policemen showed up in order to identify me and to fine me since I was resisting the mandatory vaccine and the long list of meaningless government requests.

The policemen, who recognized me in the meantime, also fined me because I was not wearing the mask appropriately while outdoor. But what still looks unbelievably worrying to me is that they did not tell me who the man in the store was, the same man who insulted me, mortified me and kicked me out of the shop, when I asked of his name because I wanted to have the chance to discuss what happened before a judge.

A curious detail that is worth pointing out is that the whole thing occurred at a Tim shop, a phone company that was chosen by the Chinese Communist Party for their secret service’s agenda until Mike Pompeo intervened in extremis in 2020.

This short story of mine is just a testimony that warns about what is happening in Italy, being hopeful that an international intervention may bring down a government that promotes crimes against humanity in the exclusive interest of a Pharmaceutical Cartel, and that is therefore no longer a reliable ally as it used to be after World War II and the Nuremberg Process. It is worth remembering that only after Mike Pompeo came to Italy, Tim was denied the possibility to build together with Huawei and ZTE strategic infrastructure which would share the private data of 60 million Italians to the Chinese Communist Party.

I strongly hope that an international intervention will prevent the Italian Government from implementing a model of totalitarianism that can be exported to other democracies, as it happened 100 years ago with the same tragic consequences that we all know about.

Those white crosses on the meadows of cemeteries in Italy where thousands and thousands of young Allied soldiers are buried after defeating the Nazi-Fascism first, and the Communism of Leninist centralism later, I believe they are all joining the cry of pain that millions of Italians are trying to launch from Italy.  Help!

MUST READ: An Italian Man’s Personal Warning on the Return of Totalitarianism in Italy MUST READ: An Italian Man’s Personal Warning on the Return of Totalitarianism in Italy Reviewed by Your Destination on February 03, 2022 Rating: 5

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