Criminal scum faces real consequences for the first time in her life... (Video)

 Pretty old video but the guys in the video was demonstrating AGAINST Abortion. They had been standing on Campus saying stuff like "It's God's will if you get pregnant, don't go against him" and that's its murder. The officer actually handled the situation really well. Being calm and respectful. The woman even said "I can't believe you support these guys", and the officer answerd with " I don't, I don't support it. But I have to uptain the law, which you just unfortunately broke".

The whole video is a really good example on how an officer SHOULD be

Criminal scum faces real consequences for the first time in her life... (Video) Criminal scum faces real consequences for the first time in her life... (Video) Reviewed by Your Destination on September 08, 2021 Rating: 5

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