WATCH: Comedy Sketch Brilliantly Skewers Bernie Sanders’ Stance On Felon Voters

Last week, BlazeTV released a new sketch from comedian Victor Dweck.
In the sketch, called “Icepick and the Murderers for Bernie,” Martha Hyde-White, a parody of Barbara Walters, interviews inmate Jerry John Davis, nicknamed “Icepick,” who is “serving a 180 year sentence for setting his local Equinox gym on fire after exiting the shower and finding no fresh towels.”
With a fire-scorched voice, Icepick sits across from Hyde-White and tells her that he is a staunch supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for president.
“With help from the Sanders camp, Icepick has been allowed to spend his one hour a day out of solitary confinement canvassing for Bernie,” Hyde-White states while we see Icepick holding a “Murderers for Bernie” sign and chanting, among other things, “My body. My choice.” He is accompanied by a security guard, who chants with him.
In a particularly funny man-on-the-street interview, a local “woman” says that she supports Icepick’s efforts for Bernie Sanders because she hates President Trump’s “draconian health care system.”
At the end of the segment, Hyde-White notes that since the interview, Icepick has had more years added to his prison sentence because he murdered her cameraman.
The sketch parodies a real-life moment. During a town hall in April, Sanders was asked: Would [you] support enfranchising people like the Boston Marathon bomber, a convicted terrorist and murderer?”
The senator replied:
If somebody commits a serious crime – sexual assault, murder – they’re going to be punished. They may be in jail 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, their whole lives. That’s what happens when you commit a serious crime. But I think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy. Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away … you’re running down a slippery slope … I do believe that even if they are in jail, they’re paying their price to society, that should not take away their inherent American right to participate in our democracy.
Host Chris Cuomo followed up by telling Sanders that he was essentially “writing an opposition ad against” himself – but Sanders doubled down.
When The Daily Wire spoke with Dweck about the creative process behind this particular sketch, he said:
Well, we knew that we wanted to do something with prison, and we were talking about hot button issues like prison reform, being locked up, police brutality, and we remembered Bernie’s policy about giving voting rights to people on death row, such as the Boston Bomber. Without being mean about it or taking sides, we thought, “Well, what might a best case scenario look like?” Icepick, although having burned 89 people to death, as you know, is a big supporter of the fight against climate change. So, we decided to have fun with it.
Also, our goal is to bring people together with non-polarizing comedy around socio-political issues, and neither have us has ever met someone who actually supports this policy of giving voting rights to serial killers, so we figured it’d be a good policy that everyone can laugh about in a sketch.
One of the things I love about this piece is that although Icepick is a ruthless, serial-killing psychopath, the radical Bernie supporters love him simply because the two share a love of Bernie Sanders. It really speaks to how far radicals – on both sides – will go to stand by anything having to do with their politicians of choice.
I also love how the reporter talks to Icepick as if he chose Bernie over the other candidates for his policies. Icepick obviously likes Bernie. He has no other option! This is a nod to how tone-deaf reporters can be. The whole thing is ridiculous, and ridiculously truthful.

Check out the sketch here [Warning: Some Strong Language]:
WATCH: Comedy Sketch Brilliantly Skewers Bernie Sanders’ Stance On Felon Voters WATCH: Comedy Sketch Brilliantly Skewers Bernie Sanders’ Stance On Felon Voters Reviewed by Your Destination on November 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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