Animal Rights Activists Lock Themselves to Slaughterhouse Conveyor Belt. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

What would you lay down your life for? Would you face death for your religion? Suffer violence for your political beliefs? Would you decapitate yourself to save a duck?
While you may not give your life for a duck, one man almost made the ultimate sacrifice for some waterfowl destined for the dinner table.
As CBS San Francisco Reported, nearly 100 people stormed a California duck farm in June. The horde was from Direct Action Everywhere, a radical animal rights group that advocates “revolutionary social and political change for animals.”
The group ran into the slaughterhouse and began locking themselves to machinery.
What happened next is painfully obvious to anyone who has ever worked around industrial machinery.
Thomas Chiang, the man who chained himself to the machinery, quickly became a rallying point for the radical animal rights activists.
“The activist … was taken away by ambulance and treated for nerve damage and severe pain,” Democracy Now reported. “He’s since been released from the hospital.”
Chiang’s group tried to blame factory workers for the injury, with no evidence to back up their claims.
“So, what Thomas did was he was one of a number of activists who actually locked his own body and neck to the slaughter line to show solidarity with the animals,” said Wayne Hsiung, co-founder of Direct Action Everywhere. “And frankly, the human beings that are being threatened by this industry.”
“But the employees at the farm, in response to this, decided to turn on the assembly line and nearly ripped his head off.”
Judging by the group’s actions in the video, where at one point they turn to desperately pushing buttons at random to stop the production line, Chiang’s injuries are more likely the result of his comrades’ ineptitude.
And the group’s incompetence isn’t just a product of their hilarious ground operations.Direct Action Everywhere is unclear about their plan to feed Earth’s growing population once meat is made a relic of the past. Ducks’ ability to turn slugs, worms, and other inedible fodder into succulent and nutritious meat is crucial to modern food logistics, similar to a cow being able to turn grass into a juicy steak.
This radical group is just another example of leftist politics taken to the extreme. Speciesism, a new form of injustice the group exists to fight, has nearly cost one life already.
If these activists continue invading industrial work areas and randomly hitting buttons, there’s no telling how many other lives will be put in jeopardy.
Animal Rights Activists Lock Themselves to Slaughterhouse Conveyor Belt. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Animal Rights Activists Lock Themselves to Slaughterhouse Conveyor Belt. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Reviewed by Your Destination on July 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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