Chips Ahoy Goes Full SJW – Promotes “Drag Moms” in Bizarre Mother’s Day Advertisement

Chips Ahoy! promoted “drag moms” and drag queens in their Mother’s Day advertisement on Sunday.
Is nothing sacred anymore? An infinitesimal percentage of people dress in drag, yet Chips Ahoy decided to feature a (male) “drag queen” in their Mother’s Day advertisement.
Once again, real women are pushed out of the way to advance a Marxist agenda.
Chips Ahoy, which largely markets to children, featured a drag queen (male) named “Vanessa Vanjie Mateo” with a message to “Get These Cookies.”
“I am so thankful to have a mother like mine who supports me through all my craziness and loves on me buys me Chips Ahoy cookies — chewy, the original — everything under the sun, my mama knows I love my cookies — so get those cookies,” Vanessa Vanjie Mateo said.
“So what’s the sweet gesture for you to do to your mama? Your real mama – your drag mama, which ever mama…”
And this is what Chips Ahoy thought was appropriate for children and Mother’s Day.


Chips Ahoy Goes Full SJW – Promotes “Drag Moms” in Bizarre Mother’s Day Advertisement Chips Ahoy Goes Full SJW – Promotes “Drag Moms” in Bizarre Mother’s Day Advertisement  Reviewed by Your Destination on May 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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