Colorado State University’s Feminist Fight Club teaches women how to raise testosterone

Participants in Colorado State University’s Feminist Fight Club are learning to confront and disrupt what the group calls displays of subtle sexism on the campus, The College Fix reported.
The club is a featured initiative on the public, taxpayer-funded university’s Women & Gender Collaborative website.

guidebook for the program explains methods members can use. For example, female participants are encouraged to raise their testosterone levels by taking on masculine poses. The poses are considered a way to raise confidence.
The 90-second power moves are intended as mini protests against behaviors the group says are designed to marginalize women and other groups.

Is smiling encouraged?

Another activity advises women to have a comeback ready for times when anyone asks them why they’re not smiling. This facet of the program is called “Don’t Tell Me To Smile.”
The group makes it clear where it is aiming its activities: “We fight PATRIARCHY (and all forms of harassment, bullying, inequity, discrimination, -isms, and -phobias), not each other,” the group’s discussion guidebook states.
The group bases its teachings on author Jessica Bennett’s book, “Feminist Fight Club”
Bennett’s website includes statements such as “Burn your bra,” “Fries over guys,” “Feminism rules,” and “Smash the patriarchy.”

What definitions are used?

Under the heading “Know The Enemy,” the guidebook uses the term “manterrupting.” That refers to when a man interrupts a woman.
Members are advised to “practice interrupting an interrupter on behalf of your fellow woman, and vow to the group to call out this behavior next time you see it.”
“Bropropriation,” is another term. That refers to when a man appropriates a woman’s idea.”
Another exercise is taking part in a drinking game intended to rid people of their use of filler words and phrases such as “Um.” During the game, others are supposed to point it out and make the offender take a drink.
Bennett told The College Fix she was at the college in 2017 for the kick-off of the club. Organizers and members “really deserve the credit for the amazing work they’re implementing at CSU,” she told the publication.

Anything else?

The rules for the Colorado State chapter of the Feminist Fight Club are as follows:
“Rule No. 1: You must talk about the Feminist Fight Club at CSU.
Rule No. 2: You MUST talk about the Feminist Fight Club at CSU.
Rule No. 3: We fight PATRIARCHY (and all forms of harassment, bullying, inequity, discrimination, -isms, and -phobias), not each other.
Rule No. 4: Membership to the FFC means you’ve taken an oath to help and support women — ALL women — and those from historically marginalized groups.

Rule No. 5: The FFC is inclusive and non-hierarchical. Everyone’s an equal fighter.
Rule No. 6: The fight is not over until we have achieved gender equity for all people.
Rule No. 7: No wallflowers. Everyone must fight!”

Colorado State University’s Feminist Fight Club teaches women how to raise testosterone Colorado State University’s Feminist Fight Club teaches women how to raise testosterone Reviewed by Your Destination on August 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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